No School Monday…

Hi Class! Describe what your day is like when it is a non-instruction day (no school). What are your plans for this Monday?

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41 Responses to No School Monday…

  1. Jonny says:

    My plans for monday are that I am going to go to the bike ranch and ride all day long till I almost pass out. it will be sooooo much fun. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜›

    • Rylee Johnson says:

      Do you think you are gonna pass out of having no food for 30 hours

    • Mr. Desaulniers says:

      That sounds like fun, Jonny. Maybe I’ll see you there after school! For now, I’m setting up my own class blog. See you on the slopes! πŸ™‚

  2. Daniel Brandon-Parsons says:

    I am going to a freinds house and I am going to eat CHEESE πŸ˜€

  3. savannah says:

    I will probably be either at my friends house or at home working on cleaning the house.

  4. Allie Sampson says:

    I am gonna sleep in and go swimming this Monday at the YMCA this Monday. And have a BBQ with my family and uncle and Auntie.

  5. Rylee Johnson says:

    Well I love a long weekend. I think I will either hang out with my friends, go out to visit the pool. maybe. But most likely stay home and lye around and go outside. :):):)

  6. Tyler says:

    Go to hockey tryouts then go golfing at Pineridge!!!

  7. jacob harmon says:

    I did not know there was no school Monday

  8. jacob harmon says:

    I will bike and play video games

  9. mYRAndA/tOTski Wawryk says:

    my plans are to go quading with Keagan…..yaaaahhhhoooo

  10. keagan says:

    what I mean is I am going to hang out with friends

  11. Anna says:

    Go out with my friends,watch a movie and just relax and get my spelling in on Tuesday.
    Or…. I will go and get some ice cream and go to the mall and go with my friends.Yay
    πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ !!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Turner says:

    I’m going to stay inside all day and play video games.

  13. Calvin says:

    I don’t know what to do on Monday I could bike all day πŸ˜€ or rest all day:) or work all day πŸ™

  14. I am going to my aunties house or my cousons house in Merit to hang around and just do stuff i geuss!!!!!!!! πŸ™‚ =)

  15. Hayden Smale says:

    I’m going to hockey tryouts and then probably hanging out with a friend πŸ™‚ yyyaaayyy πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  16. Ashley Evin says:

    I think that I will probably have soccer but if I dont then I will hang out with some friends.

  17. brant says:

    Im probably going dirt biking allllllllll day by my self in the snow hope i don’t eat dirt

  18. Rylee Johnson says:

    why does it say imagination coming soon? 😐

    • Mr. Bell says:

      I am glad you asked πŸ™‚ – there are a couple of reasons. First, because I am a rookie with blogs, I wasn’t too sure what to do. I figured things would fall into place as I used the blog more often. Secondly, I imagined that all of the interesting thoughts and imaginative ideas would come from the students answering the questions and making comments.

      I think I’ll stick with the phrase until I (or someone else) can come up with something better/clever/creative/interesting.

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