January 10 (Friday)
- Math
- Problems of the Week #15 (Thursday)
- Skating (Thursday)
- Basketball players will be at school.
- There is no broomball option for this trip.
- French
- French in a Flash (ongoing)
- Expect to ‘present’ your product and phrases in mid-February.
- French in a Flash (ongoing)
- PHE – Inclusive Sexual Health
- Information & Permission
- Lessons begin during the week of January 20 with the aim to complete them by the end of February.
January 9 (Thursday)
- English
- That’s Snow Funny – Full Sized Finished Product (Friday)
- Social Studies
- How Did Early Societies Affect the Environment? (p12-15) (Friday)
- explain the vocabulary/terminology: salinization, slash and burn, archipelago, culturally modified trees
- answer the six questions
- If you are choosing to work outside the classroom, there is a link to the reading in our Google Classroom.
- How Did Early Societies Affect the Environment? (p12-15) (Friday)
- Math
- Problems of the Week #15 (January 16)
- French
- French in a Flash (ongoing)
- Expect to ‘present’ your product and phrases in mid-February.
- French in a Flash (ongoing)
January 8 (Wednesday)
- Career Ed
- All Star Profile Slide (Thursday)
- Math
- Problems of the Week #14 (Thursday)
- English
- That’s Snow Funny – Full Sized Finished Product (Friday)
- Social Studies
- How Did Early Societies Affect the Environment? (p12-15) (Friday)
- explain the vocabulary/terminology: salinization, slash and burn, archipelago, culturally modified trees
- answer the six questions
- If you are choosing to work outside the classroom, there is a link to the reading in our Google Classroom.
- How Did Early Societies Affect the Environment? (p12-15) (Friday)
January 7 (Tuesday)
- Library (Wednesday)
- Bring your books to return or renew.
- You are expected to have a book you’ve chosen because you want to read it…Mr. Bell’s library is closing at the end of January (except in exceptional circumstances).
- PHE (ongoing)
- Bring comfortable & safe footwear and attire.
- Social Studies
- Career Ed
- All Star Profile Slide (Thursday)
- Math
- Problems of the Week #14 (Thursday)
- English
- That’s Snow Funny – Full Sized Finished Product (Friday)
January 6 (Monday)
- Career Ed
- All Star Profile Planning Page (Tuesday)
- PHE (ongoing)
- Bring comfortable & safe footwear and attire.
- Social Studies
- Math
- Problems of the Week #14 (Thursday)
- English
- That’s Snow Funny – Full Sized Finished Product (Friday)