Category Archives: General

Hi Class! The ‘Black Thread Buccaneer’ has secretly joined our class. Evidence was discovered hidden under the ledges of 2 tables on October 11, 2018: Please let the B.T.B. know that the 24 learners in our class will be cleaning, … Continue reading

Posted on by Mr. Bell | 1 Comment

Hi Class! According to the 2018 Labour Market Outlook in BC, “Active listening is identified as a “very important” skill for 73 percent of total projected job openings.” Here’s how to strengthen your active listening abilities:  

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Hi Class! Have a look at this video…do you think it would be beneficial for our class? Share your reactions and thoughts with a response in this thread.

Posted on by Mr. Bell | 22 Comments

Hi Class! Here are some ideas to support your mental health…which one(s) would be helpful for you? Share your thoughts with the people at home!

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Mental Health Support

Hi Class! If you are wondering about vaping, check out the link below:  

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Vaping…

Hi Class! Why does this matter?

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on (Anti) Social Media???

Hi Class! Set some goals (for today…tomorrow…next year…ten years…lifelong). Making a subtle new choice on your path is all it takes!

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Successful Strategies

Hi Class! 

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Summer Idea…

Hi Class! If your parent/guardian has yet to hear about this year’s celebration (you haven’t brought the information card home), read on… Hello everyone! We are getting so excited for the Grade 7 Celebration and how much fun it will … Continue reading

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Grade 7 Celebration

Hi Class! Nice work with your displays, they look great! If you missed the deadline, see Mr. Bell to arrange a plan to complete this project. Remember to hand in your reflection, tomorrow.

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Art4Others