Category Archives: General

Hi Class! Use some of these:

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Keep Going!

Hi Class! Door #8 looks great!

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Door #8

Hi Class! We need 4 more per‘door’formers…

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Door #7

Hi Class! Our comedy club is appreciated by many! Great work!

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Door #6

Hi Class! Here’s another fabulous and funny door:

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Door #5

It’s wonderful to hear the laughter as people view our door!

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Door #4

Hi Class! Our neighbours across the hall love reading our jokes!

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Door #3

Hi Class! It’s been only a couple of days, but your comedians are getting noticed – great work!

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Door #2

Hi Class! Our door is ready and your comedians are going to be entertaining! Check it out daily to see who is performing…today it’s Nelsa:

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Door #1

Hi Class! Here;s the video was started to view during today’s presentation: It’s striking to see the techniques used during the era of cigarettes being reused for today’s youth.

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Vaping