Category Archives: General

Hi Class! Slowly, we’ve discovered the dangers related to many activities (e.g. eating sugary & fatty foods, smoking, inactivity). Will screen time soon be on the list? Find out more by clicking here.

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Screens & Teens

Hi Class! Learn about the significance of Orange Shirt Day:

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Orange Shirt Day

Hi Class! What happens when you are online…click the image to see the video…share your thoughts as a response to this post.

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Screen Time…

Don’t vape…click the image to read more.

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Don’t Vape!

Hi Class! Play an’ll likely get better grades! Here’s an article to read about this finding.

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Play Music…Get Better Grades???

Hi Class! Here’s a perspective on kindness…what are your thoughts?

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Thinking About Kindness…

Hi Class! In case you were wondering… TeenMentalHealth.Org has excellent resources.

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Brainiacs…

Hi Class! Many thanks for your donations to our raffle basket:

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Nice Basket!

Hi Class! Here’s our BBQ Basket (so far) for the raffle at the Summer Fair: Please continue bringing in some #summersizzlingswag – thanks!

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on #summersizzlinswag

Hi Class! How are you building your healthy body?

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Choices…Choices…Choices