Blog Archives

Hi Class! Here are some ideas to build resilience…which ones work best for you? Which new one will you try?

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Resilience

Hi Class! Growth is painful at times…think about it…how did your last growth spurt feel? Learning requires new ideas, attitudes and skills to grow. This leads to discomfort. It’s normal! Consider the alternative: if you never attempt to develop (grow) … Continue reading

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Comfort Zones

Hi Class! Here’s even more evidence that playing outside is valuable for everyone, especially kids:

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Go Play Outside!


Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Genetic Engineering…A New Normal?

Hi Class! Here are 50 reasons to exercise and be active: 

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Get Active…Why?

Hi Class! When you are creating digital masterpieces, there are useful tools to help. AutoDraw allows you to sketch something while a machine ‘searches’ for what you are drawing. If you are skillful or lucky, you’ll get a basic graphic … Continue reading

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on AutoDraw

Hi Class! Terry Kelly’s song shares a great message: [youtube][/youtube]

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Remembrance Day – A Pittance of Time

Hi Class! Check out this ‘video’: [youtube][/youtube]

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Brain Map

Hi Class! Here’s research about inactivity…

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Sedentary Time

Hi Class! Your ‘Fall’ing Faces art exhibit is receiving a pile of compliments! We’ll have to leaf it up for a while so that everyone can rake in your fantastic skills.

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Falling Faces