Blog Archives

Hi Class! There are many ‘Horror’ble Writing stories using dialogue. Be sure to format your writing properly: [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube]

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on “Say What?” demanded the teacher.

Hi Class! Grow your comfort zone by doing more things at the base of the pyramid:

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Show what you know!

Hi Class! We took a small step with coding today – click here for the link. Check out this video about its significance today and in the future: [youtube][/youtube]

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Get your code on!

Hi Class! What’s your preference:

Posted on by Mr. Bell | 3 Comments

Hi Class! September 30 is Orange Shirt Day 2016. Check out The Nation Centre for Truth and Reconciliation to learn more about what happened in residential schools. There, you will find a link to the story of Chanie Wenjack: [youtube][/youtube]

Posted on by Mr. Bell | 2 Comments

Songs tell stories. How does this song connect to the current events work ‘Cruising the Northwest Passage’. [youtube][/youtube]

Posted on by Mr. Bell | 2 Comments

Hi Class! Here’s something to consider if you are on screens too much: Share your thoughts…

Posted on by Mr. Bell | 1 Comment

Hi Class! Learning is supposed to be challenging; getting stuck is part of the journey. Consider this video: [youtube][/youtube]

Posted on by Mr. Bell | 7 Comments

Time to #connectivate! The motivation to make things better, to innovate, comes with connections to others. The first day of the school year is the perfect time to #connectivate:

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Welcome Back!

Hi Class! Thank you for your sharing your smiles and imaginations for the past ten months. Stop by sometime next year to share all the great adventures you are taking on! Click on the image below to open the yearbook. … Continue reading

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Happy Trails!