Blog Archives

FREE – Summer Math Camp – click here. If you child often achieves a C- in Math, here’s a free opportunity to build skills for a few weeks to start the summer break. This camp is also a great way … Continue reading

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Hi Class! Today’s InSPIRE presentation was a terrific opportunity to consider future career paths. Be sure to check out DISCOVERSKILLSBC.CA for ideas, information and inspiration. In addition to great variety of paths in trades that will suit diverse interests, it … Continue reading

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Discover Skills BC

Here’s the next round of hoaxes. Vote for the most believable one.

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Vote for the most believable poster.

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on The Hoaxes are Back!

Today’s Math involved translations, rotations, and reflections…and it was fun!  

Posted on by Mr. Bell | 2 Comments

Hi Class! This week we’ve read, viewed and discussed some amazing stories related to the recent woolly mammoth discovery. As you have seen, it raised an intriguing and divisive question about cloning. What is your position on cloning? In a … Continue reading

Posted on by Mr. Bell | 53 Comments

Hi Class! A big thank you goes out  to our MP Cathy McLeod for visiting our class today. It was wonderful to connect our classroom activities about e-cigarettes, Bill C-51, and the Canadian Government to someone directly involved with these … Continue reading

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Thanks!

Hi Class! Check out this video. Share your thoughts with a response to this post. [youtube][/youtube]

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Finding Balance…

Hi Class! Here’s the second round of stories. Which is most believable? Vote in the poll below the photo.

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Round Two!

Hi Class! Check out the first round on the bulletin board outside our classroom. Which story do you believe the most? Click the photo for a larger view then answer the poll question.  

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on And the winner is…