Blog Archives

Your words and actions online are an important piece in ending bullying.

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on #PinkShirtDay – February 25, 2015

Hi Class! The Heritage Fair stamps are coming together beautifully! Have a look at some of the works submitted so far. Remember to hand in your stamp and paragraph by February 13, 2015.

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Stamps of Approval…

Hi Class! According to you, reading is many things. Be sure you are enjoying a 30 minute, ‘just right’, reading activity every day!

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Reading is…

Hi Class! Happy New Year! Hopefully you will be here soon:

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Wishing You Were Here!

Hi Class! Here are the items in our lost and found. Please claim your belongings before week’s end.

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Lost…check! Found…not yet!

Today we used litmus strips and investigated a variety of solutions to determine if they were acidic, basic, or neutral. Here’s a great video to help you remember: [youtube][/youtube] Did you know you can make your own indicator with cabbage? … Continue reading

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Acid, Base or Neutral?

Hi Class! This morning you read about Uber. What are your thoughts and reactions? First, summarize the important ideas using your own words and proper sentences. Be sure to use transition words to create a smooth flowing paragraph. Afterwards, state … Continue reading

Posted on by Mr. Bell | 23 Comments

Hi Class! Our recent introduction to Google Drive and Classroom has been terrific! Creativity, collaboration, and communication are important skills to develop while learning. Similarly, using online resources meaningfully and respectfully must always be part of the package. If you’ve … Continue reading

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Creativity…Collaboartion…Communication…Cloud?

Hi Class! Today we played crab soccer and bear soccer in DPA. The ideas came from this link: Bring Back Play. Check it out, find a game you would like to play in class during DPA. Let Mr. Bell know … Continue reading

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Bring Back Play

Hi Class! Take a few moments to outline your discovery from Philae and the Rosetta Mission. Explain one or two of the major finds, then explain some of the ‘ripples’ or results due to the discovery. Lastly, share what your … Continue reading

Posted on by Mr. Bell | 18 Comments