Hi Class! Answer at least one of the following questions:
- Would you rather be rich or smart?
- Would you rather be an animal or a tree?
- Would you rather be tall or strong?
- Would you rather be able to see or to hear?
- Would you rather be a leader or a follower?
You answer must include at least three reasons supporting your position. Be sure to use separate sentences for each reason. Develop your ideas beyond simple sentences you learned in the primary grades. Make you answer interesting to read! Format your answer as would be expected in an English class (proper spelling, capitalization, punctuation, sentence structure…).
I would rather be rich than smart because I could buy a lot of candy and stuff.
I would get to have an awesome house.
I would get to go wherever I want whenever I want.
yes, but wouldn’t get dull or boring after a while.
Yes but no.
I would rather be an animal because I love animals and you can be fast,slow,big,small and any other types. And there are lots of kinds of animals and out of all the animals in the world I’d be a wolf/dog/fox/dingo/coyote because they are all related to the dog family or pack. I’d want to be those animals because they are my favourite out of the the whole world of animals. And they are cute,strong,brave and courageous. π
I would be a follower, Because I hate leading people. I would hate to be a leader of something. There is a lot of responsibility and you have to do lots of work, I HATE WORK!
I agree
Your reply is ‘going through the motions’ – it adds nothing to the conversation. Please attempt to add something more than ‘I agree.’
I would rather be smart because when you are smart you can get more jobs and become rich at the same time you are smart.
I would rather be able to see then hear because you can see things and people will hand signal you so you understand.
i would rather be an animal then a tree because if you were a tree there would be wood peckers pecking you and animal doing there business on you and that would be grouse.
Remember to answer one question with at least 3 reasons.
ok and the i is suppose to be an “I”.
I would rather be smart because if you are smart you are more likely to become rich. I think I would have a way better life even know being rich is cool. I have always wanted to be smart.
I would rather be an animal because I would have a human family and I think I would get bored of just standing there in the forest with woodpeckers pecking me. I feel like animals have a life like humans almost. They walk, eat, sleep and a lot of other things that are a lot like humans.
I would rather want to see because then I could see the beautiful world and the people around me. I think if I were deaf at least I would be able to see what they are saying by what they are mouthing. When you are blind you can only hear things. It is way worse.
I would want to be smart than rich because I don’t want to be dumb.
I don’t want to have lots of money and not know what to do with it.
I can get rich if I am smart, I get a well paying job, save it then spend it.
I would want to be rich than smart although Id probably spend all my money
Thats a good reason
Please add other reasons. Simply agreeing with someone does not add to the conversation.
I would want to because I could get anything and still have enough to donate.
I would also get a mansion for my family to live in and buy a candy factory.
Which question are you answering?
-I would rather be smart because you need a job. You can invent something that could get you a lot of money. Also you would be liked for who you are.
-I would rather be an animal because I want to be alive . If you were a tree then you would stay still all day, and possibly be cut down.
-I think that I would rather be tall so that people wouldn’t be intimidated by me.If you were very strong then you might look frightening.
-Seeing or hearing? I would rather see then hear because you can see were your going. If someone is talking to you then you can lipread.
-Leader because I could talk with the people and give ideas and opinions. If you are a follower then you cant make suggestions.
Trees are alive are they not?
trees are alive nobody should cut them down they support human life.
Trees are the main reason were alive cut them down and we die
I use trees to warm my house me and my dad cut like 10 trees a year for wood.
Thats totally true kyle
Why? Please add more thought to the post when you reply.
Mr. Bell don’t you think animals are more alive than trees though?
They are both living beings. Something that moves around more is not necessarily more alive than something stationary. If that were the case, then kids sitting motionless playing video games would not be alive?
I would rather be rich than smart. Also I could put a portion to charity.
Another thing I could do is give some to my family.
Good idea Mateen
exactly why would you want to be rich?
[This is so hard]
I would rather be a animal it would be easier to be a house pet because ….you wouldn’t have to do anything ….your owners would do everything for you…YA!!!!
I would watn to be an animal too
I would rather be smart because if I was smart then I could just invent a machine or something that would make me rich, I would also choose to be smart because then it would be easier in school which would mean I would get good grades and get a good job, plus if I was rich I could by anything I wanted and after awhile it would get boring.
Hmm…looks like a case of ‘Run-on-itis’. Be sure to write in sentences.
I would want to be rich because
I could get anything I wanted. I would still have enough for donating. I would also get a mansion for my family to live in and buy a candy factory.
I would rather be a animal because
-You don’t have to worry about school or homework at all.
-You could play all day and not do any work the only work I would have to do is hunting .
-I would play all day have lots of fun for my entire life that would be so fun to do
But if you do not do home work you will not be smart!!!!!
But you don’t totally need to be smart if your an animal.
Good observations. Do you think animals can ‘worry’. Would they worry about shelter, food or family members?
I would rather be smart because with smarticle particles you can make more money and be rich and smart so you can have all the things you can have when your rich π π π
Please use sentences.
I wish that I was a animal because…
I could run faster than a average human and could attack every thing I see.
I could swim or soar at amazing speeds with little effort
and last but not least I could rule the land and the sea.
What animal are you?
but why would you want to be an animal you can’t do as much as humans?
I wold rather be rich because I could buy allot of stuff like a submarine or a
reptile zoo!!!!! I could travel the world or own a paint ball arena , or a
mansion . I think being rich would be really fun !!:) π π π π
Nice choices Keagan!
I love paint balling!
I’d be rich just like you butt in a smarter way
Quick Fix:
butt = bum
but = however
I would want to be strong because so i can protect myself from danger and stop people from fighting you so you can restrain them. Plus it would help a lot for jobs that you have to do heavy lifting and it comes in handy when some teenager on the bus calls you a name and you ask him to stop.
I would rather be a leader so I could rule every one and be the best and get what every I want and I would rather be a animal because I can move and be alive because trees stay still and are really boring.
Hmm. Looks like a serious case of the run-ons…Write in sentences please.
Ya but there is a lot of work to do and there is a lot of responsibility……
I would rather be smart then rich because if your smart you can get rich just by being a simple engineer or an architect. I would rather be strong then tall because it would help me allot for hockey with my lower strength and golf with my upper strength.
Please pick one question and give at least three reasons to state your opinion.
To be a simple engineer or an architect you still need quite an education, many years in university, and lots of experience.
I would rather be a leader so I could rule every one,be the best,get what every I want.I would rather be a animal because I can move,be alive,because trees stay still and are really boring.
Remember to have at least three reasons when you answer one question.
I would rather be smart because if you were rich and not smart you would basically lose all your money. So their would be no point. if you where smart on the other hand you would.Save your money and make tons of it.Also that you could get an awesome paying job and become rich and stay rich. I would rather be a tree because you could live for thousands of years. Including that the whole world needed you to survive.The only disadvantage is that you can’t move and could get cut down.But if you were an animal you would get hunted have a hard time looking for food.Get put in a zoo or stuffed.I would rather be strong than tall because it doesn’t mater how tall you are because if someone’s strong they’ll easily beat you in a fight.Also if you were strong you would be really fit and have a lot of muscles.and be able to carry really heavy objects like well cars with ease.I would rather see than hear because you can do more things accept that you couldn’t hear what people said. So they would have to write something to you.But if you could hear and not see you could hear. It’s hard to chose but seeing sounds good.For this last question i would rather be a leader that way people couldn’t tell you what to do and if you were a follower and the leader and the rest of the group people except you did something against the law you would still get in as much trouble as they did.
I would rather be smart then rich because if your smart you can get rich just by being a simple engineer or an architect. Being smart would also be allot of help for business so you don’t get ripped off or for just not getting ripped off at the dollar store.
I would rather be strong then tall because it would help me allot for hockey with my lower strength and golf with my upper strength. It could also help me defend myself in a fight or a scrum in front of the net.