Category Archives: Question of the Day


Hi Class! What is your opinion on school uniforms? Do you think we should have them? Justify your response with several reasons. Starting next week, you will be expected to contribute meaningfully to several posts throughout the week. We will … Continue reading

Posted in Question of the Day | 91 Comments

Your Political Party

Hi Class – Following up yesterday’s talk about the issues and political platforms, tell us where you stand on the issues: Health Care – universal (funded by taxpayers) or private (funded by users); care for seniors Economy – jobs, taxes, … Continue reading

Posted in Question of the Day | 68 Comments

Technology Gone Too Far

Watch the following video…Do you think we rely too much on technology? Explain your opinion. httpv://

Posted in Question of the Day | 22 Comments

No School Monday…

Hi Class! Describe what your day is like when it is a non-instruction day (no school). What are your plans for this Monday?

Posted in Question of the Day | 41 Comments

Dinner Anyone?

It’s dinner time and you have to eat out. What restaurant do you pick and what items on the menu do you eat? Explain your choices.

Posted in Question of the Day | 22 Comments


Hi Class! Tell us about a favourite song of yours. Why do you like it so much?

Posted in Question of the Day | 51 Comments


Hi Class! There is a federal election May 2, 2011. Please comment on some or all of the following questions: Have you heard anything about the election? Are your parents talking about it? Who do you think will be the … Continue reading

Posted in Question of the Day | 21 Comments

Tap Dancing

Hi Class! Today we have performers in our school from the Vancouver Tap Dance Society. What do you think about tap dancing? Explain your answer. ***I have set the blog to only publish approved comments. Your response will not be … Continue reading

Posted in Question of the Day | 45 Comments

April Fools’ Day Memories…

Hi Class! What are some of the April Fools’ Day pranks you have been a part of? Did you plan it or did someone get you?

Posted in Question of the Day | 45 Comments

Hmm…Future Day

Hi Class! What do you see for yourself in the future? Pick 10, 20 or 30 years down the road. What are your plans, your goals, your dreams?

Posted in Question of the Day | 60 Comments