Blog Archives

Hi Class! Have a look at the graphic below and think about where you fit in relation to each idea. Next, post a reply about your strengths and your opportunities for growth. In other words, make connections about what helpful … Continue reading

Posted on by Mr. Bell | 26 Comments
Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Reading…Hmm…
Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Get Into Gear…
Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Reading…

Hi Class! Innovative ideas are always in demand! As a result, we need to find new solutions to unknown problems. What type of life-long learner do you aspire to be?

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Hmm…

Hi Class! How does your 24 hours compare to this:

Posted on by Mr. Bell | Comments Off on Healthy 24

Hi Class – Check out how elements are used in everyday items…it’s pretty interesting! Once you’ve explored the link, post a reply to share at least three discoveries you learned. Your post is due before lunch this Thursday (November 17). … Continue reading

Posted on by Mr. Bell | 22 Comments

Hi Class! View this short video and post your thoughts/reactions by day’s end, November 10, 2016. Be sure to support your reaction with meaningful ideas. [youtube][/youtube]  

Posted on by Mr. Bell | 30 Comments

Hi Class! It’s time to post your meaningful thoughts to our classroom’s blog regarding your first two months of the school year. Aside from sharing valuable feedback, this writing activity gives you an opportunity to establish a sensible digital presence for … Continue reading

Posted on by Mr. Bell | 27 Comments

Hi Class! Aside from healthy habit building, daily physical activity helps you learn: What is your reaction?

Posted on by Mr. Bell | 2 Comments