Hi Class! Today’s writing activity is up to you. Post a question or comment. Your post must attempt to encourage others to contribute. If you ask a question, be sure it is open ended (not a yes/no style). Additionally, post your answer to your own question.
If you are writing a commentary on a topic, support your position with reasons. Simply stating, “I like strawberry ice cream because it is the best.” is insufficient.
If you are stuck for an idea, use yesterday’s link to various topics.
Does any one like waffles? WAFFLES ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!
I do!
I like waffles!!
Any reason why?
I adore waffles…though they take a bit of effort to make. Waffles smothered in strawberries, whipped cream, and icing sugar are splendid! That is my favourite thing to order is a restaurant for breakfast.
My mom can make better ones!!!!!
Yeah thats what I don’t really like about waffles they take like forever to make,but they are sooooooooo GOOD!!!! π
What are your favourite toppings?
I like WAFFLES!!!!!!
They taste good
I like waffles because they are very good and tasty they are one of my favourite thing to order at restaurants with bacon and eggs!!!!
I had waffles for breakfast this morning. Who doesn’t like waffles?
What kind – waffles made from scratch or toaster waffles?
Do you think the Canucks will win? !!!!!!!
Yes, Canucks will win because they are the best and they also have home ice advantage!
GO CANUCKS GO!!!!!!! π π
Yes if the refs stop calling all the penalties on Vancouver.
I agree. It looked like Boston got away with a few last night.
Ya, I think the refs should actually call a fare game for once!
Quick Fix: fare ($ to ride on bus, train…); fair (not favouring one side vs another)
I didn’t know which fair/fare to use.
Now you do…hopefully.
Boston got away with EVERYTHING!!!!!
yes I do think that they’ll win .
Yes, I think that Boston will win three games and the Canucks will win three games and in the seventh game the Canucks will win the Stanley up.
yeah thats what the hockey game simulator video game predicted too
Stanley cup *****
Yes they will win one more game….hopefully two though. They sure were terrible last night.
ya I know they HAVE to win the next game for sure and atleast 1 more…pplllleeaasssee
Yeah they were. My dad yelled lots whenever they took a close shot to the net. Ha ha ha
same with my dad π
I hope so!!!!!!!! YES they will WIN!!! π
I don’t know. There doing really bad with Luongo in net!!! I think they will win if Luongo is not in goal!!!!
Quick Fix: They are doing = They’re doing
Ya I wonder why he is doing so bad? He was like that last week against Boston when they lost 1-8 π
Ya, Loungo is terrible!
When he loses a game or all of the time?
Pretty much all the time and especially in OT’s!
Wait a minute…didn’t he save the Canucks in the first round vs Chicago. He was awesome in game 7 OT was he not?
Ya, but he’s burnt out because they played him to much. They should of played Schieder in the San Jose series so they could save Loungos energy!!!
That game last week it seemed like Loungo totally was dazed out
Ya I think he was very good I still think that loungo should be in net for the next two games because he seems to do pretty good while there in Vancouver.
Quick Fix: while they are in Vancouver = while they’re in Vancouver
Ya! Well hopefully they get a different goalie. I would hate to see them loose again! π
Quick Fix: loose = not tight; lose = not win
Yes I think that the Canucks will win in game 7 so it will be a home game when they win the Stanley Cup…
Who thinks Canucks are going to win the Stanley Cup?
ME! Hopefully ….
If you could have anything in the world what would it be and why?
It would be my own house. Even know I am very young it would be fun. You could have friends over and parties all the time! ha ha !
I would have 50 million dollars because I could get what ever I wanted when I wanted it and I wold never have to work in my life again!!
I like vanilla ice cream because it is always better than chocolate. I also like mocha flavoured popsicles because I find it better than regular. Basically I like anything good with sugar.
Does mocha flavoured Popsicles actually taste better ?
Who thinks biking is fun??
I think biking is really fun because you get lots of exercise.
Yes it can be fun but you can get lots of exercise from other sports too.
Yes that is true.
I don’t I don’t really do biking on hills very much more just like around my block .
I like to ride down the Bike Ranch and around my house and with friends.
What did you think about the Hockey game last night
I thought it was terrible π
I was very disappointed!!
Really bad!!!!!!
It was horrible but the Canucks still have 3 games to win…. GO CANUCKS GO!!!!!
Only two – it’s best of seven, so four games wins it all.
I’m not Mr. Bell but hi class todays writing activity is about cookies. What is your favourite type of cookie and why???????……… I like doing this.
My favourite cookie has to be just the home made chocolate chip cookies my mom makes! YUM!
Those are yummy right out of the oven when the chocolate is still gooey! I need a tall glass of milk to go with them.
I love cookies
diddle-squat love peanut butter chocolate chip cookie because they turn all gooey after you bake them. YUM
My favourite cookie is chocolate chip cookies my dad and me make together.
I like doing it with my dad because we bond so much.
Hey did you gys watch the hockey game last night,and who do you think will win the Stanly Cup.
I think the Canucks will win the Stanly Cup..!! π π π
i watched the game .canucks may have lost but they wil lWIN THE CUP
I watched the game last night it was terrible but the Canucks will win the Stanly Cup….
D you have a facebook ,twitter or a cite that you want to talk about?
mine is Kongregate. Kongregate is a site where people post games and if you have the ability and if you have an account. If you don’t have an account it’s easy to make one you just need an email. they don’t give you emails so you don’t need to worry like face book witch gives you too many emails.
Quick Fix: site (website); cite (speak using the words of others)
In first word? you caveman Calvin.
hahahaah I have twitter and facebook
You know I love summer time because you get to stay up late and eat BBQ all the time and man it is awesome. What do you like about summer?
Another thing I like about summer is you get to do fun activities like camping, going to a lake, going out for a drive, sleepovers, pool parties, and there is more things you can do but if I list them we would be here all day.
Cooking and eating outside is one of the best things about summer. I love picnicking too.
I like how hot it is. When it gets to warm I can just go to my grandmas and swim in their huge pool. YAH.!
Quick fix: The house belonging to my grandma = my grandma’s house
Who do you think will win the Stanley Cup? Canucks or Bruins?
I think the Canucks will win because they could try harder. And I think they will win the Stanley Cup!!! π And who do you think will be the MVP on the Canucks team?? π
Well the goalie has to step up it’s game.
Yeah I know. π
Does anyone know my name?
I know ur name isn’t it haden!
It’s Hayden Johnny CAPITALS DUH.
Haden Small right??
tβs Up To You
Hi guys I have a Battle Of The Bands concert. I would of gone to a birthday party but this is what the band has been looking for all year. Anyway I created a song called ”Rage Against War” it was all I could think of but apparently it was a big success I made all the guitar parts It sounds pretty good for my first song. Also I’m the lead guitar player and band singer. It’s quite a bit of work but it’s fun. The band teacher Matt made the timings for the song and solo’s. The band teacher literally taught himself how to play guitar perfectly and is good at it. He’s a bass,drum and guitar player. The other songs that the band is playing is:” For Whom Th Bell Tolls” by Metallica , And ” Nerd Herd” by the whole band. It bites that I can’t go to the birthday and have my friends watch and cheer on but and help me win Battle Of The Bands Guitar neck trophy. But I’ll possibly be able to video tape the concert with 100 people. π