Hi Class! A year round, or balanced school calender (approximately three months of school, then one month off, then repeat), is in the news for some school districts in Vancouver. The current school year is historically based in the need for help on the farm during the summer months. Given that few students currently help on the farm during July and August, some school boards are looking at changing the school year. What do you think about this concept? What are positive and/or negative outcomes of such a change?
This is a writing activity requiring a developed response. Support your arguments over several sentences.
positive: I think school all year round is cool because i get to see my friends more and make new ones.
negative: The bad part about school all year round is we have to to work and thats never good.
Good points. Keep in mind you would get a similar amount of time off.
Quick Fix: that is = that’s
i think we should keep school year the same as it is
Develop a meaningful answer. Why do you think the school year should stay the same?
well to be honest with you guys I think it’s a horrible idea unless you like outside work and seriously I think (pardon my language) it’s stupid.
Please write in complete sentences and develop your ideas. The point of year round school isn’t to work on a farm. The idea is that most students no longer work on farms, therefore do not need two consecutive months away from school. Instead, students will go to school for about three months, take a month off and repeat the cycle.
I think it honestly wouldn’t be that bad. Go to school for three months get one month off then repeat.
What do you think would be the benefits of a year round system?
no offence but I really don’t like the idea.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and no offense should be taken. Please develop a meaningful answer explaining why you do not like the idea.
Quick Fix: Begin your sentence with a capital letter.
I think the school year should stay the same because i like 2 months off
Quick Fix: Include punctuation in your sentence.
Do you think you would forget less if you only had one month off?
I think it would be decent . hi shae
A meaningful answer will justify your statement. Explain what is decent about the idea.
i like the idea. instead of 10 months of school you get shorter times in school and then a longer break.
Shorter times in school (3 months in a row rather than 10) is an interesting thought. Students would likely forget less after only a month off. The start of the year would be easier because most students should remember routines and expectations too.
Quick Fixes:
– I is always a capital letter.
– Begin sentences with a capital letter.
I would like it because school would not get as boring
How does school get boring? Is it because of 10 consecutive months?
I would love if we got to get a month of after 3 months of school it seems like there would be less school. We would also not become so dumb over summer.
It is not that you “get dumb”, like anything else, if you do not use it, you lose it.
I honestly think it’ll be fun! But you won’t get to see your friends for a whole month!
Yet summer break is two months…so isn’t one month better? Or do you need a two month break from the people at school?
Hey Mr.Bell….. On the blog for your smartphone, how do you get to the agenda and the English and math?
I am not sure, I’ll try to figure it out and get back to you.
i think we should keep it the same, but the idea it does sound alright!
What do you like about the idea?