Category Archives: Question of the Day

The Last Week…

Hi Class! Provide some feedback about our blog. What are your thoughts about this form of writing? How could this site be improved? Are the subject pages useful or not? What improvements would you make? Thanks for your feedback!

Posted in Question of the Day | 10 Comments

Goal Setting

Hi Class! Before shutting your brains down for the summer 😕 (hopefully you will read several books at least), think ahead to next year. List at least three school related goals you have for next year. What do you want … Continue reading

Posted in Question of the Day | 54 Comments

The Great PE Debate (Part 2)

Hi Class! Here’s your chance to convince your classmates and your teacher regarding today’s PE activity. Soccer is not an option because we played it Tuesday. We will be outside (rain or shine) as the gym is being prepared for … Continue reading

Posted in Question of the Day | 107 Comments

Senses – Most & Least Important

Hi Class! Read the entire post today before getting to the writing (especially the last sentence 😉 ). Which of the five senses is most important and least important to you? Support your answer with convincing arguments and reasons. Do … Continue reading

Posted in Question of the Day | 51 Comments

PE Choices

Hi Class – Convince the class why we should play ______ in Phys. Ed. today. Your post must include reasons why we should choose your game. As ideas are posted, write your thoughts about the suggestions.

Posted in Question of the Day | 88 Comments

Entrepreneurial Ideas

Hi Class! What’s an entrepreneur? Click here. Share your idea for an amazing new store or service. Describe what your idea offers compared to what already exists. Why do you think your idea will be successful?

Posted in Question of the Day | 22 Comments

Riot Reaction

Hi Class! How do you feel about the riots that took place in Vancouver after the hockey game last night? Could they have been prevented? What could have been done differently? Were the riots going to happen regardless of the … Continue reading

Posted in Question of the Day | 37 Comments

Stuck…Now What?

Hi Class! Imagine you are stuck in an elevator for several hours. You are alone. How do you spend the time? Describe what you would do and how you would feel while waiting to be saved. What would you do … Continue reading

Posted in Question of the Day | 19 Comments

Winner Takes All

Hi Class! Any thoughts, feelings or predictions for the last game of the hockey season tomorrow? Will the Canucks win? How will the fans react? Will the crowds in Vancouver be festive and civilized? My workshop has been great! Through … Continue reading

Posted in Question of the Day | 37 Comments

Knock Knock

Hi class! Let’s start the week with a chuckle or two. Share a favourite ‘knock knock’ joke. Keep in mind what is appropriate for this setting (school, workplace). Bring a smile to the faces of others with cute and clever … Continue reading

Posted in Question of the Day | 19 Comments