Category Archives: Question of the Day

Looking Ahead

Hi Class! List some of the things you are anticipating eagerly about summer break and explain why they are important to you.

Posted in Question of the Day | 87 Comments

It’s Up To You

Hi Class! Today’s writing activity is up to you. Post a question or comment. Your post must attempt to encourage others to contribute. If you ask a question, be sure it is open ended (not a yes/no style). Additionally, post … Continue reading

Posted in Question of the Day | 105 Comments

Choose a Topic

Hi Class! Here is a link to some writing topics. Choose a topic and develop a convincing answer. Use reasoning to support your view. Be sure to state your topic before giving your response. One or two sentences is not … Continue reading

Posted in Question of the Day | 25 Comments

Random Stories

Hi Class! Choose one of the links below to generate a story topic. Using the topic, write a paragraph using the topic generated for you. Story Starter Link #1 Story Starter Link #2 Story Starter Link #3

Posted in Question of the Day | 30 Comments

Sunshine+ Weekend = ???

Hi Class! Please retell the events of your weekend. Write to the best of you ability – some suggestions: descriptive words (adjectives and adverbs) sentence variety (different patterns) complex sentences (conjunctions connecting dependent and independent clauses) idea development (logical sequence) … Continue reading

Posted in Question of the Day | 45 Comments

Stanley Cup Predictions…

Who will win the Stanley Cup (Vancouver or Boston)? In how many games (4, 5, 6, 7)? Which player will win the Conn Smythe Trophy (playoff MVP)?

Posted in Question of the Day | 49 Comments

Desk Dump Coming Soon

Hi Class! June 1st is coming soon. You will be emptying your desk, storing materials in your locker, and bringing them to and from the class on a daily basis as a practice for Grade 8. What do you think … Continue reading

Posted in Question of the Day | 21 Comments

Electronic Influences

Hi Class! Does watching television, playing video games, and surfing the Internet influence your behaviour? Is the influence positive, negative or both? Explain your answer with specific personal connections (examples).

Posted in Question of the Day | 18 Comments

Wish You Were Here

Hi Class! If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be? Explain what is appealing about the place you have chosen by making personal connections.

Posted in Question of the Day | 13 Comments

What if…

Hi Class! Complete at least one of the following what if statements (be sure to develop your answer with several sentences): What if cows gave root beer instead of milk? What if it rained cats and dogs? What if you … Continue reading

Posted in Question of the Day | 15 Comments